The 1st Southern Cultural Center National Conference will be held at the SCC HQ , 12814 US Hwy 231, Wetumpka, Alabama on August 19 & 20, 2022 with presentations from renowned speakers that are true Southern warriors.
1st SCC Naontial Conference
On August 19 & 20, 2022 the most dramatic and “hair raising” event that we have ever rendered in the Southern Cultural Center will unfurl. The 1ST SCC National Conference will be held on August 19 & 20 with an impressive line of speakers “throwing down the gauntlet” to many of the challenges that our people face today. You will not be disappointed.
The Conference cost is $50/person if spouse is attending plus $30.
SCC members $40 and preregister attendees by telephone or mail are $40
Contact Mike Whorton 334-315-9207 for preregister by phone or with any questions.
Registration Friday August 19 at 9:00 am SCC at 12814, US Hwy 231, Wetumpka, AL
We have confirmed the following guest speakers. In addition to these renowned speakers, you will have a fine Friday night catered hamburger steak gravy and onions supper with all the fixings followed by the southern rock band “The Shades of Grey” and a BBQ catered lunch with all the fixings on Saturday.
Pastor John Weaver of Freedom Ministries from Fitzgerald, Ga
“Is Upsurged Authority Legitimate” & “Is it Right to Resist Tyrannical Governments
Carl Jones Past Commander of Alabama Div SCV Robert E Lee Award for Meritorious service
Clif McGhar, SCC and SCV member “Neoconservative Spirit in the Southland “.
Charles Schmitz “The UNITED STATE(S), Singular or Plural
Starting from the US Constitution, a discussion of Alexander Hamilton, Federalism, Henry Clay, Abe Lincoln, the Radical Republicans, The Southern Agrarians, & How can we Best live today
Ronnie and Donnie Kennedy authors of “The South Was Right”.
Kirk Lyons De-annexation Texas Nationalist TEXIT
Chief Trial Counsel and President of Southern Legal Resource Center (SLRC)
Preregister by phone 334-315-9207 (We trust you; a Southerner’s word is as good as a hand shake)
Mail registration to Southern Cultural Center, PO Box 220, Wetumpka, Al 36092
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